맥주효모샴푸 + 헤어토닉
10% Brewers' Dried Yeast Extract Shampoo (300g) + Hair Tonic (150g)1960년대 독일의 맥주공장 노동자들의 머리숱이 풍성한데서 착안하여 맥주효모와 머리의 상관관계에 대하여 연구가 시작되었다는것을 알고 계신가요? 맥주 효모추출물과 자연추출물 성분의 조화로운 배합, 두피 건강에 좋은 식물성 유래성분만 꼼꼼히 선별하여 직접 만들었습니다.두피와 모발손상의 주원인은 무엇일까요?1.강한 자외선2.잦은 펌, 염색, 고데기, 드라이3.두피의 열,땀, 피지이 모든것을 보완해주고 건강한두피와 탄력있는 머릿결을 유지해주는 비어텐 맥주 효모샴푸, 저자극 샴푸로 민감한 두피에도 사용 가능하며 온가족이 사용 가능한 전 연령층 두피케어+탈모샴푸입니다. 단 한번의 사용으로도 부드럽고 촉촉한 머릿결을 경험해보실수 있습니다.
In the 1960s, research on the relationship between Brewer's dried yeast and healthy hair began as it was observed that most of the workers of a German beer factory had excellent hair. Beer yeast contains plenty of amino acids, vitamins, and beta-glucans. Selenium which is found in beer yeast is an ingredient that helps prevent hair loss. In addition, Vitamin B helps synthesize keratin. As a result, the number of hair products that contains beer yeast has steadily been increasing over the years. KNH Beer 10 Shampoo is not only made with this beer yeast but also contains all-natural ingredients that work together to create a more effective hair product.
Harmonious blending of Brewer's dried yeast extract and natural ingredients.
We carefully selected only plant-based ingredients that are good for scalp health. It is important to choose a shampoo that consists only of natural ingredients for the scalp. The main sources of damage of the hair and scalp are strong ultraviolet rays, perming the hair, dyeing the hair, and using a curling iron. As a result, using KNH Beer 10 shampoo will keep both the scalp and hair healthy.
Beer 10 Hair Tonic has similar benefits as the Beer 10 Shampoo but additional ingredients that make hair care more simple at home. Copper peptide-1 helps blood circulate better in the scalp, strengthens hair, and promotes growth of new hair. It also stimulates protein production to prevent potential hair loss and suppresses inflammation. Dried-Chrysanthemum extract has effect to lower the temperature of your scalp and refreshes the scalp simultaneously. Apply an appropriate amount to the scalp and tap into skin with fingertips as if massaging. (Do not use your nails) By using both every day in the morning and evening, you don't need a expensive hair salon care system anymore.