[무료배송] 산청 추청 참유기농쌀 4kg *4포 / Jiri Mountain Organic Chuchung White Rice 4kg x 4 bags

[무료배송] 산청 추청 참유기농쌀 4kg *4포 / Jiri Mountain Organic Chuchung White Rice 4kg x 4 bags

$148.00 $164.00
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[무료배송] 산청 추청 참유기농쌀 4kg *4포

-산청 자황의 물맑고 깨끗한 땅에서 자란 산엔청 참 유기농쌀 !
-밥맛 좋은 단일품종 추정쌀!
-추정은  아끼바레 라고 불리는 좋은 품질의 쌀 입니다.

Jiri Mountain Organic Chuchung White Rice 4kg x 4 bags

This item is shipped separately from other regular Seoul Mills items by FREE SHIPPING service.  

NOTE: While Separate Free Shipping items automatically receive FREE standard shipping, other Seoul Mills items still fall under normal shipping rates. To receive free shipping for regular items, users must reach a total of $100, NOT including SEPARATE FREE SHIPPING products in their order as they are shipped separately.

Jiri Mountain Organic Chuchung White Rice 4kg x 4 Bags (Milled Date: 12/12/2022)

Certified Organic by Korea Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.

Chuchung (also known as Akibare) is the type of short-grain white rice that is known to have the best taste, grown with pure water and clean air. 

In the west of Gyeongsangnamdo, Sancheong is widely recognized for its premium rice.  Surrounded by high mountains, pristine water, and clean air, Sancheong is the ideal location for perfect rice.


- Certified Organic by Korea Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
- Processed at a HACCP certified facility 
- Milled Date: 01/26/2022

- $199 이상 구매시 무료배송!
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