[반신욕기 구매시 $212 상당의 족욕기 증정 이벤트]
Everjoy, Home Resting Space!
- "No.1 KOREA Health Care Brand" Launched in the US
- Hard work today? Give enough rest for yourself,
- A valuable day completed with a small rest,
- A sense of relief from a cozy space only for me,
- Everjoy make the dreams of all home lovers, own home spa and sauna,
- Everjoy always studies how people relaxing, detoxifying and increasing blood circulation,
- The moment we need a break at home, try Everjoy!
Everjoy Accumulated Sales
100,000 pcs all over the world
- 6,400 customer reviews
- Star rating 4.7 out of 5.0
- 500,000 PLI
What is 'Infrared Wood Dry Heated Sauna for Home?'
Routine healthcare is important. Boost your blood circulation.
- Improve blood circulation
- Relax your body
- Detox unhealthy substances
- All in 1 hour!
Everjoy "Gifts"
Complimentary items for everyone purchasing Everjoy Infrared Wood Dry Heat Sauna to maximize effectiveness.
- Fabric Body Cover
- Dried Mugwort & Pouch
Snapshot of 'Everjoy'
No need for water as it's a dry products. It helps you to relieve stress and relax your body.
- Healthy Heating Method
- Easy to Move & Store
- Durable Solid Wood
- Simple & Easy Operation
- Certified Safety
Proven Stability
Triple Safe Protection!
- Auto power off : After the set time has passed, the power is automatically cut off.
- Automatic electricity cutoff : When over current flows, electricity is automatically cut off.
- High voltage cut-off fuse : When high voltage flows, the fuse automatically shuts off.
Certificate of Quality
Everjoy is a product that has passed "various product performance" tests.
- Certificated PLI
- Certificated Far Infrared Discharge
- Certificated Quality and Identification Wood
- Certificated KC (Korea Certification)
- Certificated ETL
- Electromagnetic Radiation Level Test
- Formaldehyde Level Test
- Ceramic Ball Radiation Test
Infrared Wood Dry Heat Sauna for Recovering Fatigue
Excluding bedtime, our body support our weight for an average of 16 hours a day.
- One hour every day, rest time for my body
- Easily relieve body fatigue with a Everjoy Infrared Sauna
- Sit comfortably and relax
The Most Perfect Way to Relax, Everjoy Dry Heated Foot Bath
Why is solid wood important for heating equipment?
- When the heater is not turned on, a cold energy is emitted, and when the power is turned on, a hot energy is repeated.
- If the wood contracts and expands frequently at such a temperature, warping or cracking may occur depending on the wood.
- Therefore, Everjoy solid wood that has passed the test can be used semi-permanently.
Collaboration Between Wood Experts and Thermal Specialists
- Two experts meet to present high quality product
- Infrared Wood Dry Heat Sauna proven by numerous reviews
- Experience a different level of usability and warmth
* 1 Year Warranty 제공됩니다.
[배송 정책]
* 미주 지역에 한해 무료배송입니다. * 배송을 위해 Shipping Address를 정확하게 입력하시기 바랍니다.
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[교환/반품 정보]
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[환불 정책]
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- 간혹 재고부족 등의 사유로 배송이 지연될 수 있습니다.
- 상품 주문완료 후 Business Day로 2~7일 이내에 물건을 받아보실 수 있습니다.
- 단, (금,토,일) 및 공휴일에는 상품이 출고되지 않습니다.
- 간혹 재고부족 등의 사유로 배송이 지연될 수 있습니다.
교환/반품 정보
- 교환 및 환불은 상품을 받은지 7일 이내에만 신청 가능합니다.
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- 냉동 냉장 제품은 반품 및 교환이 불가합니다.
- 단순변심으로 인한 반품은 상품금액의 20%가 Restock비용으로 청구되며 배송비를 전액 부담하셔야합니다.
- 상품 훼손시 반품이 되지 않으니 주의 부탁드립니다.
환불 정책
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